Here are some videos I've made during my Pangya career.

Due to YouTube's now-standard policy of "censor first, ask questions never, issue no e-mail notifications about anything", a number of my videos have been muted, flagged, and/or outright blocked. For this reason, I am now featuring ONLY my gameplay vids, the only videos I have which are safe from YouTube's Gestapo tactics. NOT COOL, YOUTUBE. NOT COOL.


This is not a complete record of every great shot I've ever made. These are just the ones I've managed to vidcap. A more complete record of my mediocre awesomeness can be found in the Chipshots gallery.


(With apologies to Christian Bale and Samuel L. Jackson)

I generally don't play with Brazilians, for various reasons, and I don't play with anyone with an absurdly high quit rate (denoted by a gray or black gender icon). So when I open a room and someone comes in babbling in Portugese or with a gray or black icon, I kick them out.

Sometimes, they just don't take the hint. (Warning: extreme coarse language in this video.)

Pangya is the intellectual property of Ntreev and SG Interactive. If you want to join in the fun, please visit the official Pangya website to play this fantastic game. All screencaps, videos, and chat logs on this site are the sole responsibility and property of Mythril Moth. Please do not reuse anything on this site without crediting the source.